Bug #6628

Updated by Kutlo Manyake about 2 years ago

previously entered data missing on navigation plan, diagnostic plan for pids 11-6, 43-3, 19-3, 132-40400048-2,132-40400056-5,132-40400035-9, 132-40200021-1, 132-40200014-6, 132-40200010-4
several pids from Bokamoso mac missing, and some mixed. following pids affected, 1-4, 3-0, 6-3, 8-9, 10-5, 11-3, 21-2, 14-7, 15-4, 16-2, 17-0, 18-8, 20-4, 24-6, 25-3, 26-1, 29-5, 30-3, 4-8, 7-1, 27-9
132-40400019-3, enrolled by George, being foolwed by Mavis. v3000 done on 18/05/22, missing on live server , 132-40200010-4,visit 3000 on local host has investigation ordered, and investigation resulted
