Gloria Mayondi

  • Email:
  • Registered on: 07/03/2021
  • Last connection: 02/06/2023


  • Motheo (Manager, Reporter, 07/03/2021)


Reported issues: 13


17:05 Motheo Data Fix #6998 (New): Review Rules # 75 76 and 51
Review rules # 51, 75 and 76.


12:44 Motheo Feature #6559 (Resolved): Add new instance to screening log
Add new instance to screening log so as to allow information to be added if potential participant is not scheduled bu...
12:25 Motheo Bug #6352 (Feedback): Putting checks in the eligibility form
Maternal date of birth must be before "Today's date" and "Date completed"
12:19 Motheo Feature #6237 (New): Require that one of the eligibility checklist questions be completed prior t...
Should not allow form to be submitted if answer to this question is "NO" or if question is not answered


10:36 Motheo Bug #6499 (Resolved): Rule number 47 should apply to the maternal general baseline form only and ...
Rule number 47 If mother has documentation of positive HIV-1 status, date of most recent test must be known and be be...
10:01 Motheo Bug #6487: V3 Consent
h2. *Correcting date of version 3 consent*
Although the date on Version 3 consent is 20th September, 2022, the sta...
09:52 Motheo Bug #6498 (Resolved): Maternal age equation giving incorrect age for birthdays that fall between ...
Maternal age equation not giving correct age.
For example, I put in 20-01-1999 and the equation gave age as 24 in...
08:48 Motheo Bug #6497 (Resolved): QA check to prevent a participant from being enrolled more than once
Put a check mechanism either in the eligibility form or locator form that prevents participants from being enrolled m...


15:49 Motheo Bug #6462: DATA QUALITY-REVIEW RULE 34
Rule querying something that shouldn't be queried- for example, in BID# 134-400191, states that issue exists concerni...


14:06 Motheo Bug #6462 (Resolved): DATA QUALITY-REVIEW RULE 34
DATA QUALITY RULE# 34 states *ART start date should be before the estimated period of pregnancy* What is this in rela...

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