Jennifer Jao

  • Email:
  • Registered on: 10/05/2016
  • Last connection: 05/06/2019



Reported issues: 63


09:23 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Bug #4357 (Closed): Change wording of question on infant feeding form
Please change Question #5 to: "Date the infant participant first started receiving solids since the last attended sch...


18:58 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Bug #4356 (Closed): Infant Feeding CRF validations
Please fix so that the following validations occur:
1. If Q23 = YES and Q25 = NO, then Q26 must not be blank
2. ...


00:21 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Change #4300 (Closed): Add SRHServices CRF from Microbiome to Tshilo Dikotla
There is a CRF called "SRH Services" that is in Microbiome EDC. This CRF is only presented if the answer to question ...


22:53 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Feature #3803 (Closed): Add Maternal Off Study Reason
1. For the Maternal Off Study form - add "Mother did not complete ANV1 (1010) visit" as an OFF STUDY reason, and make...


22:12 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Bug #2365 (Closed): Visit Windows - revision
Could you please re-program the visit windows that occur after delivery to back to the following:
Delivery: date o...


15:52 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Bug #2293 (Closed): create ability to add DNA PCR to infant visit in an unscheduled visit
Please create the ability to add an infant DNA PCR to an unscheduled infant visit even when the window of the visit i...
15:42 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Bug #2292 (Closed): revise maternal off study form
please add the following reason to the maternal off study form: "x. Enrolled erroneously - did not meet eligibility c...


17:54 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Bug #2288 (Closed): remove PBMC VL lab requisition from 1month visit
leslie resolved this
14:54 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Bug #2291 (Closed): Call function
Please revise the call function so that it is working and we can track all contacts made with participants. I have at...


19:47 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Change #2290 (Closed): Modify NVP Dispensing Form
We need to modify the "NVP Dispensing Form" (currently on TDTest2) and move it to TDTest1/TD live server by placing s...

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