Keolebogile Nicholas Mmasa

  • Email:
  • Registered on: 24/01/2017
  • Last connection: 26/05/2020



Reported issues: 251


22:17 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Data Query #5322 (Closed): ADDITION OF PRN arv prophy CRF FOR VIST 2060
Resolved on test server..KKindly deploy to live


14:03 Flourish Change #5307: Recruitment Report Feedback
+Enrolment Report:+
1. Total enrolled in a certain cohort does not match the COhort numbers. Is this due to data i...


15:28 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Data Query #5322: ADDITION OF PRN arv prophy CRF FOR VIST 2060
Kindly assist with adding CRF to the infant 2060 visit.
We want to update ARV prophy for some kids but are ...
15:25 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Data Query #5322 (Closed): ADDITION OF PRN arv prophy CRF FOR VIST 2060


19:16 Flourish Feature #5303 (Closed): MOODULE TO BOOK ENROLMENTS
Kindly assist with developing a module for RA's to book participants for Enrolment visit. After consenting, participa...


15:00 Flourish Bug #5277 (Closed): ASSIGN/RANDOMISE A PATIENT TO RA
We have realised that we were searching the previous infant BId instead of the maternal PID. Emphasis on clinic team ...


10:01 Flourish Bug #5277 (Closed): ASSIGN/RANDOMISE A PATIENT TO RA
Kindly randomise BID no. B015532-4 to Lesedi Makgeng


14:15 Flourish Bug #5265 (Closed): CORRECT NAME ON CONSENT FOR CHILD PARTICIPANT B142-040990095-7
Kindly correct the names on the consent fro child participation from GALEBOLOKANE MUNAMATI Ato TADIWA VANNESSA MUNAMATI


14:24 Flourish Feature #5241 (Rejected): Ability to search and filter previous participants by DOB, gender for m...
This will be resolved at issue 5238
14:17 Flourish Feature #5242 (Closed): CALENDER MODULE.>Ability to query by user specified ranges for appointement
1. ON 'THE CHANGE APP CRF" at the top, where instructions are placed, add the latest date, earliest date and ideal da...

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