Data Query #6272
Status: | Resolved | Start date: | 05/08/2022 | |
Priority: | Urgent | Due date: | 09/11/2022 | |
Assignee: | Nimrod Munatsi | % Done: | 0% | |
Category: | - | Spent time: | - | |
Target version: | - |
Kindly check for us the history of all data for the following Data Collection Instruments and Subject ID's respectively:
BSIDiii Cognitive, Expressive, Receptive Fine and Gross Motor Scales
134-400180, 134-400181 and 134-400182.
Reason being they appear as incomplete though they have no data captured.
#1 Updated by Nimrod Munatsi about 2 years ago
- File Motheo Subjects Data history.xlsx added
- Due date set to 09/11/2022
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Ame Diphoko to Nimrod Munatsi