Feature #6308

Report for QA/generate queries: eligiblity form

Added by Shahin Lockman over 2 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:19/08/2022
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
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If any eligiblity criteria not met, then require that eligibility form be stopped / no enrollment (move to production)

Mother has HIV-positive status (in eligibility checklist): response to questions "Maternal HIV Testing History and Antiretroviral History" = yes, in enrolment form

Mother has documented history of treatment with EFV/TDF/3TC or EFV/TDF/FTC or while pregnant with the child who will be enrolled into Motheo (in eligibility): cross-check with "ART history" question in maternal enrolment form. EFV/TDF/FTC or EFV/TDF/3TC or EFV/TRU or TRU/EFV should be listed as one of the first, second, or third regimens taking during the pregnancy (or a combination of these)

Same thing for DTG. If DTG-exposed in eligiblity then cross-check with "ART history" question in maternal enrolment form. TDF/FTC/DTG (or TRU/DTG or TRU/Dolutegravir) or TDF/3TC/DTG (or TLD or DLT or TDF/3TC/Dolutegravir) should be listed as one of the first, second, or third regimens taking during the pregnancy (or a combination of these)

Report to ensure no participants took both an EFV and a DTG regimen in that pregnancy

"Is the child HIV-exposed?" in eligiblity: cross-check with enrolment form that maternal HIV test/status is positive


#1 Updated by Ame Diphoko over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Duplication of #6309

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