Data Query #6409

Data quality checks / query checks, child neurodevelopment CRFs

Added by Ame Diphoko over 2 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

Status:ResolvedStart date:16/09/2022
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Ame Diphoko% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


Provided by Adam Cassidy:

Queries/Requests pertaining to Bayley Scale (BSIDiii)

Please flag missing values for BSID scales (Cognitive, Receptive Language, Expressive Language, Fine Motor, Gross Motor)
Please flag invalid scores for each BSID scale:
BSIDiii Cognitive Scale: In your opinion, are the results of the cognitive test valid? (no)
BSIDiii Receptive Language Scale: In your opinion, are the results of the receptive language test valid? (no)
BSIDiii Expressive Language Scale: In your opinion, are the results of the expressive test valid? (no)
BSIDiii Fine Motor Scale: In your opinion, are the results of the fine motor test valid? (no)
BSIDiii Gross Motor Scale: In your opinion, are the results of the gross motor test valid? (no)

Acceptable summary score range for BSIDiii Cognitive Scale: 0-91 (please flag out of range values)
Acceptable summary score range for BSIDiii Receptive Language Scale: 0-49 (please flag out of range values)
Acceptable summary score range for BSIDiii Expressive Language Scale: 0-48 (please flag out of range values)
Acceptable summary score range for BSIDiii Fine Motor Scale: 0-66 (please flag out of range values)
Acceptable summary score range for BSIDiii Gross Motor Scale: 0-72 (please flag out of range values)

Please create command to plot summary score values separately for each BSIDiii domain:
Expressive Language
Receptive Language
Fine Motor
Gross Motor

Please flag BSIDiii scores if Summary score is greater than value for "What was the highest number administered?" for each domain
Expressive Language
Receptive Language
Fine Motor
Gross Motor

Queries/Requests pertaining to Parent Reports of Child ND/Social-Emotional Status
CREDI Short Form (24-29 months)
Please add summary score value that is the sum of all "Yes(Ee)" responses. This value should be calculated automatically by REDCap; it should not require staff to enter value manually.

Acceptable range for this new summary score should be: 0-20 (please flag out of range values)
Please create command to plot summary score values

CREDI Social-Emotional Sub-scale
Please add summary score value that is the sum of all "Yes(Ee)" responses. This value should be calculated automatically by REDCap; it should not require staff to enter value manually.
Acceptable range for this new summary score should be: 0-23 (please flag out of range values)
Please create command to plot summary score values

Please add summary score value, defined as follows: the sum of responses to items 1 through 15 where Never = 0; Sometimes = 1; Often = 2. This value should be calculated automatically by REDCap; it should not require staff to enter value manually.
Acceptable range for this new summary score should be: 0-45 (please flag out of range values)
Please create command to plot summary score values


#1 Updated by Shahin Lockman over 2 years ago

Updates on scoring:

1. CREDI short and CREDI emotional: pls ignore requests (do not sum scores)

2. For BRIEF-P: pls change scoring (from 0, 1, 2 to 1, 2, 3):
Please add summary score value, defined as follows: the sum of responses to items 1 through 15 where Never = 1; Sometimes = 2; Often = 3. This value should be calculated automatically by REDCap; it should not require staff to enter value manually.
Acceptable range for this new summary score should be: 0-45 (please flag out of range values)
Please create command to plot summary score values

#2 Updated by Ame Diphoko over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

#3 Updated by Ame Diphoko about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved

Separated issues for charts and graphs to issue #6566, 6565 and 6564. All other issues have been resolved.

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