Feature #7731
Infant Feeding CRF Follow-up - Restrictions Required
Status: | Feedback | Start date: | 04/10/2024 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | 17/10/2024 | |
Assignee: | Kebadiretse Motlhabi | % Done: | 0% | |
Category: | - | Spent time: | - | |
Target version: | - |
If the response to the question "Is the participant continuing to breast feed" is "Yes", the date response for "Date of most recent beast feeding:" cannot be the same date as defaulted from the previous time this CRF was deployed.
#1 Updated by Kebadiretse Motlhabi 3 months ago
- Due date set to 17/10/2024
- Assignee set to Kebadiretse Motlhabi
#2 Updated by Kebadiretse Motlhabi 3 months ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
The wording in the first instance of the crf and the other following instances is different,Can we go over the questions so that I understand where the validation should be applied.
#3 Updated by Gosego Masasa about 1 month ago
Hi Keba.I am attaching the Spec form with the suggested validations(HIGHLIGHTED IN RED) which the team agreed on following discussions with Kate and Sara. Below is the summary of the validations;
1. If Q7 is yes, remove the prefilled date at Q8 and prompt to provide a new date when trying to save the CRF
2. If Q7 is no, leave the prefilled date at Q8.
3.If the answer to Q7 is "Yes," allow any date after the previous visit at Q8
4.Correct the word “beast” to “breast” at Q8
5.If Q9 is Yes, provide date at Q10; date at Q10 should match the one provided at Q8.
6. Move this question "Since the last visit or quarterly phone call, did the participant breast feed?" as per the spec form. It should come before the question about "most recent breastfeeding"