Change #4685

Fix wording on Q2 of Karabo TB History form

Added by Kate Powis over 5 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:07/06/2019
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Category:-Spent time:-
Target version:-


Please fix the wording on question 2 of the TB History form should be changed from "Since the last scheduled visit, or if this is the enrollment visit, since birth, has any member of the household where your has infant stayed been coughing for two weeks or more?" to "Since the last scheduled visit, or if this is the enrollment visit, since birth, has any member of the household where your infant stayed been coughing for two weeks or more?

Redmine 4685_Karabo TB History Form Q3 Re-worded_2019.06.18.pdf (259 KB) Justine Legbedze, 19/06/2019 00:47


#1 Updated by Justine Legbedze over 5 years ago

TB history form UAT'ed by TD team and closed. I'm attaching the screenshot of the CRF with the confirmed re-wording change for Q3 (previously Q2) for PID-71-0-10, which was completed on 17-Jun-19.

Q3 re-worded to: "Since the last scheduled visit, or if this is the enrollment visit, since birth, has any member of the household where your infant stayed been coughing for two weeks or more?"

Also available in: Atom PDF