Justine Legbedze

  • Email:
  • Registered on: 15/12/2016
  • Last connection: 19/10/2022



Reported issues: 77


18:16 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Bug #5606 (Closed): TD Maternal Demographics - Server Error when Exporting csv
Issue is not resolved (still receive yellow screen error when trying to export Maternal Demographics from the admin s...


10:55 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Bug #6018 (Closed): Unable to add Subject Identifier field on EDC ODK admin page
Moffat - I am unable to type in the "Subject Identifier" field when I try to manually add a document (through scannin...
10:46 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Bug #6017 (Closed): Enable ODK Archives list on participant dashboard on TD EDC live server
Moffat - On the Tshilo Dikotla EDC (live server), please enable the "ODK Archives" list on the participant dashboard.


15:27 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Bug #5816 (Closed): Issue with Redmine not sending notification emails to users
Per our DMC call today, we have not been receiving the automated notification emails from Redmine whenever a new tick...


15:35 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Bug #5724: TD ODK Archive Project
Recap from our 02-Feb-22 call with DMC (Sam, Justine, Ame, and Coulson):
We are revising Sam's feedback for Ame t...


18:30 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Bug #5175 (Closed): TD Batch Data Export: Incomplete Maternal Postpartum F/U CSV file
Ran a new batch from EDC test server, and it includes the new CSV files for Maternal Postpartum F/U:
1. td_maternal_...
18:05 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Bug #5174 (Closed): TD Batch Data Export: Incomplete Maternal Diagnoses CSV file
Ran new batch from EDC test server and it includes new CSV files for maternal diagnoses:
1. td_maternal_maternaldiag...


13:48 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Bug #5175 (Closed): TD Batch Data Export: Incomplete Maternal Postpartum F/U CSV file
In reviewing the "Maternal Postpartum F/U" CSV file from the TD batch export, I noticed that the file is m...
13:38 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Bug #5174 (Closed): TD Batch Data Export: Incomplete Maternal Diagnoses CSV file
In reviewing the "Maternal Diagnoses" CSV file from the TD batch export, I noticed that the file is missin...


15:53 Bhp085:-TshiloDikotla Bug #5084 (Closed): Re-instate validations on Infant Birth Data CRF (weight, height, and circumfe...
Closing this ticket. Per DMC call today, everyone is in agreement to leave the Infant Birth Data CRF as it currently ...

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